Health and Wellness
support when you need it
Your Resources
Scroll through tiles for more information on a wide variety of health and wellness services.

Health & Wellness Plan

Treatment Centre

Mental Health

Social Services (Port Hardy)

Home & Community Care

‘Namgis Dental Clinic

‘Namgis Doctor’s Office

Health & Wellness Plan
‘Namgis First Nation
‘Namgis First Nation is renewing our Health and Wellness Plan. This plan is used by all members of our health team to make decisions about programs and services for our community. This includes things like doctors, dentists, health awareness programs, flu shot clinics and the Treatment Centre.
OPEN HOUSE – October 5 2021
We are inviting every member of the community to an in-person open house on Tuesday, October 5 at the rec centre. This is your opportunity to learn about the health plan and to for us to share what we heard from you during the engagement that happened earlier this year. Members of the ‘Namgis Health Board, Chief and Council and Health Centre staff will all be at the open house to answer any questions and hear any additional input you have for the plan.
A summary of the plan can be found here: http://www.namgis.bc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Namgis-Health-Wellness-Plan-Summary.pdf
The draft goals and objectives of the plan can be found here: http://www.namgis.bc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Draft-Health-Plan-Goals-and-Objectives.pdf
We want to make sure everyone can join the open house, so it is scheduled for the late afternoon into the early evening.
October 5: 4:00-8:00pm, Lawrence Ambers Memorial Rec Centre
Snacks will be provided.
Everyone who participates in the open house will be entered into a draw to win a generator.
All open house attendees will need to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination.
If you have any questions, you can contact the ‘Namgis health team through Georgia Cook. georgia.cook@namgis.bc.ca

Treatment Centre
Mary Hunt, Intake Coordinator – Mary.Hunt@namgis.bc.ca
During work hours: 250-974-5522 ext. 2131
After hours/weekend support: 778-912-6510
Fax: 250-974-2257
COVID Notice
The ‘Namgis Treatment Centre is open for Intake. Updated Assessment Referral Application, Intake Schedule, COVID Acceptance Agreement, and Questionnaire documents are posted on this site. At this point, we are limited to 5 referrals per Intake.
Mission Statement
Based on a foundation of our culture and traditions, and respect for individual choices and responsibilities, the mission of the ‘Namgis Treatment Centre is to facilitate the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being of the people we serve.
Vision Statement
(20-Year Vision for ‘Namgis Treatment Centre)
To all whom the NTC serve, will choose to live life in respect for themselves and all our relations.
Addiction services: 8:30am to 4:30pm (Monday to Friday)
To apply to the Namgis Treatment Centre, please click the link below to download the Application package.
Namgis Treatment Centre – Application Package 2023

Mental Health
We provide services for all who live in Alert Bay (Cormorant Island) These services are funded through the Medical Services Branch and are at no cost to you. Our services are confidential, culturally sensitive and honour all regardless of faith, race and sexual orientation. We are able to support you through grief, trauma, depression, anxiety, mental illness, sexual abuse, physical abuse,relationship issues and drug/alcohol addiction. We also support the community by delivering psycho-education and running support groups. We also refer to other counsellors and treatment programs. During the school year we service both T’lisalagi’lakw school and the Alert Bay school. We also provide service to our youth that attend North Island Secondary School.
8:30am – 4:40pm
‘Namgis Health Centre, Mental Health Department
48 School Road, PO Box 290
Alert Bay, BC V0N 1A0
Brenda Deakin- Mental Health Counselor
Rena Hanuse- Mental Health Counselor

Social Services (Port Hardy)
Any person living on Cormorant Island, Kingcome, Malcom Island or living north of Woss on North Vancouver Island may access these programs.
General: 8:30am – 4:30pm
Aboriginal Infant Development: 8:30am – 4:30pm
Pediatric Occupational Therapy: 8:30am – 4:30pm
Speech and Language: 8:30am – 4:30pm
Telephone: 250-949-7005
Aboriginal Infant Development
We provide services from ages 0-3 or 0-6 with special needs. We offer supports and explore the development stages of children with their parents. Parenting programs, Well Babies and Post-Natal programs are delivered in the communities.
Early Intervention Therapy
This program provides community based services and supports to children between birth and school entry who have, or are at risk, for a developmental delay and/or disability, and their families and communities.
Our Mission is to identify and support children and youth in the Mount Waddington Regional District with developmental concerns and disabilities through connection with family centered therapy support.
Therapies offered are: Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language

Home & Community Care
The Home and Community Care program is a coordinated system of home health care services that assists community members of all ages with disabilities, chronic or acute illnesses and the elderly to receive the care they need in their homes. Service delivery is based on assessed need. Essential service elements include client assessment; home care nursing; case management; home support (personal care and home management); linkages and referral to other health and social services and needed; provision of and access to medical equipment and supplies for care; and a system of record keeping and data collection.
8:30pm – 4:30pm (Monday to Friday; closed stat holidays)
Teliah Vollick
Home and Community Care Coordinator
Phone: 250-974-5522 ext 2184
Email: Teliah.Vollick@namgis.bc.ca

‘Namgis Dental Clinic
Serving Cormorant Island residents and surrounding community since 2002.
Mission Statement
Based on our foundation of our culture and traditions, respect for individual choices
and responsibilities, we are dedicated to inspiring and empowering those we are privileged to serve by promoting optimal oral health education and providing the utmost quality of care with compassion and uncompromising integrity.
- Dental hygiene
- Family dentistry
- Fluoride program
- Sealant program
- Community education
- Children’s no cavity club
Your Dental Team
- Tammy Payne, Program Manager
- Dr. Larry Hill, Dentist
- Dr. Mihael Gerasimov, Dentist
- Kathie Robertson, Dental Hygienist
- Kathleen Stauffer, Certified Dental Assistant
- Dixie Buchanan, Receptionist
- Rachael Hamilton, Receptionist
‘Namgis Dental Clinic Hours
Monday to Thursday 8:30am-5:15pm (closed 12:00-12:30pm for lunch)
For appointments: Dixie/Rachael at 250-974-5205 ext 2160
Manager: Tammy Payne 250-974-5205 ext 2162

‘Namgis Doctor’s Office
Our doctor’s office hours are:
9:00 AM – 4:30 PM Mon- Friday
Phone: 250-974-5520
Dr’s on staff currently are Dr. Dan Cutfeet & Dr. Franklin Clarke
‘Namgis Health Centre is a teaching facility accepting residents from UVIC and UBC.
We frequently have visiting specialists in various areas including, but not limited to:
Pediatrics | Child Psychiatry |
Ophthalmology | Rheumatology |