Full-Time | Alert Bay
Social Worker
If you are seeking a change of pace with your social work practice and a change in lifestyle, this is your opportunity to fulfill those needs by living and working in an idyllic community situated off the northeast coast of Vancouver Island. With lower caseloads you will have opportunities to effect change with families while experiencing less stress, more culture, and a fulfilling career. If you are this person, we would like you to be part of a collaborative, committed team that develops and maintains relationships with clients, community, and other stakeholders with the goal of keeping children out of ministry care and in the care of their families and community. We offer a competitive salary and benefits package. We may be able to support the successful candidate to obtain housing if needed, and/or to work a flexible schedule if travel is required.
Job Summary: The K’wak’walat’si Child and Family Services team is a Delegated C3 program under the ‘Namgis Community Services department. We offer programs that support and maintain families through infant/early childhood development, early learning, youth/family support, income assistance, daycare and Head Start programs, legal support services, victim services, wellness, and youth justice. We work alongside our child welfare program with a focus based upon prevention, ongoing support, advocacy, contracting family care homes, and working with MCFD to facilitate and ensure child safety.
Job Duties:
- Provide direct support to families, including voluntary support services, advocacy, and referrals.
- Provide individual and in-home support to children, youth and families.
- Maintain voluntary support services files, including the Extended Family Program and Voluntary Care Agreements.
- Assess and support family care homes and respite homes.
- Develop and implement individual/family support plans, often alongside MCFD
- Maintain appropriate ICM case records
- Work with other ‘Namgis departments around the design and delivery of workshops targeting parenting, family wellness, trauma, addictions, poverty, special needs, etc.
- Partner with other service providers on Cormorant Island and North Vancouver Island
- Preserve the identity and culture of children by offering services and programs that are rooted in ‘Namgis culture and ways of being.
- Follow agency protocols and standards pertaining to our level of delegation and provincial legislation.
- Maintain effective working relationships with MCFD, RCMP, Health Centre and our three schools
- Support community members to make child protection reports, if needed, and to understand the concept of Duty to Report.
- Ensure children and families have access to food, safety equipment, and other basic needs.
Job Qualifications:
- Bachelor of Social Work Degree, BA in Child and Youth Care, or related human services degree; or a combination of related education and experience.
- 2 years’ related experience in a child welfare or delegated agency
Other Job Requirements:
- The successful candidate will be required to use their own personal vehicle for transportation and must possess a valid drivers’ license
- Overtime and on -call work in the evenings and weekends as may be required from time-to-time
- Employment is subject to satisfactory employment references and criminal record check
If this position interests you, please submit a covering letter and resume to: humanresources@namgis.bc.ca, or, Human Resources, ‘Namgis First Nation, PO Box 210, Alert Bay, BC, V0N 1A0
Salary range: $73,364 – $86,250
This position will remain open until filled