This document represents a listing of ‘Namgis Chief Names from records obtained by our researchers, and from other sources. This is a starting point for more research that we are doing.

These chiefs were listed as attending potlatches in the late 1800’s and the early 1900’s along with which namima that chief was a part of. These positions have been noted as existing in other potlatches and in other sources such as elder interviews, Boas/Hunt; notes, published documents, and books, as well as other researchers.

Where available we have listed the last known person to have potlatched with that position, and their ‘english’ name if known, or the ‘english’ name of their closest descendent (where known).

*This is by no means a final listing; we are doing more research, and would like your help to update, modify, or correct this information. Please if you have more information share it with our researcher, we are always looking for more information and always willing to share our information.
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