Full-time | Alert Bay
Wellness Mentor/Accreditation Coordinator
Job Summary: This is a full-time position which reports to the Health & Safety Manager. The wellness portion requires the organization and provision of community strength-based educational and wellness sessions to community members. The accreditation portion requires the coordination of meetings to obtain staff input and the development and implementation of policies and procedures that will work towards improving the quality of services and programs that will meet accreditation standards.
Job Responsibilities:
- Wellness Mentor (FTE .4)
- Collaborating with Health Centre staff and other stakeholder, provides outreach, education, prevention and intervention services within the community
- Proposal development, including reporting, as related to the ‘Namgis Health Centre Strategic Plan and the ‘Namgis First Nation Comprehensive Community Plan
- Accreditation Coordinator (FTE.6)
- Collaborate and work directly with Accreditation Canada to develop a detailed work plan for achieving accreditation
- Review current policies and related documentation to identify related policies for revision
- Coordinate staff working groups to determine priorities, identify areas for quality improvement, and to divide accreditation work
- Develop and maintain a database that conforms to accreditation standards and measures
- Ensure that revised policies are reviewed by staff, managers and the ‘Namgis Health Board
- Liaise between the Health Centre Administrator, managers, staff, ‘Namgis Health Board, Managers, Accreditation Specialist, and on-site surveyors
- Provide written reports on results to leadership and other stakeholders
Job Qualifications:
- Wellness Mentor: Degree/diploma in Social Work/Mental Health, Mental Health/Wellness Certificate, Health & Safety Certificate or Health Care Certification, or equivalent education/training and experience
- Accreditation: three years’ experience managing a project or program in an organization, or any equivalent combination of education and experience
- Exceptional communication skills (oral and written)
- Experience with facilitating group programs, preferably in a First Nations environment
- Demonstrated understanding of integrated system of care and/or Wrap Around models
- Awareness and experience of the principles of First Nations culture & traditions
- An understanding of and sensitivity to local history, culture, and issues, and an appreciation of the role that culture plays in the treatment of psychological concerns
- First Aid with AED Training
Please submit a covering letter and resume to:
or by mail to: Human Resources, ‘Namgis First Nation, PO Box 210, Alert Bay, BC V0N 1A0
Salary: $46,246-$53,872 Open till filled